Perkins School believes in the power of play. This is why they collaborated with Highwire to create what they call a “loose parts” playground.
The central feature of this playground is the large Robinia wood Jungle Explorer Dome.
The Jungle Explorer Dome is perfect for sparking creative play, and for encouraging the development of new gross motor skills.
The ground level play features encourage social play and lower level risk. The transparent nature of the Jungle Dome also offers aspirational play, allowing them to see the top net encourages them to achieve new heights while developing critical gross motor skills like balance and the sense of their bodies in space.
The Perkins School believes that recess is more than a break from schoolwork. The Robinia Jungle Explorer Dome is the perfect free play component to allow for relaxation from the school day, while also providing vital exercise, and social interaction.
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KOMPAN Robinia Explorer Dome